Secured Data Transportation in Managed

Data in Transit vs Data at Rest
Data in transit is data that is being sent or received over a network, from different devices, or across the internet. Every day businesses send data from one location to another. Therefore, data in transit should be secured with encryption and authentication requirements to keep it secure during its journey from the sender to the receiver.
Data at rest, on the other hand, is data that is stored or archived on a device, server, or computer. Although this data is kept in a secure location, data at rest can still be vulnerable to data breaches or data leaks. Businesses should also use security measures when storing data to protect it from unauthorized access. When you need Secured data transportation in Managed, contact us at BearTech for the help you need!
Encryption is an essential data security measure for data transportation. It scrambles data so it can only be read by authorized users with the right encryption key. Businesses should encrypt all data in transit to help protect sensitive data from being intercepted and compromised.
Encryption also helps data remain compliant with data privacy and security regulations, such as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).